What is included
Unlimited searches for importers
Unlimited search for exporters
Unlimited purchasing manager contacts
12 months
24 months
Get your budget
Book a demo with our experts and request a budget that suits your needs.



How can I test the platform?
You can book your free demo of approximately 20 minutes with one of our experts to see how xNova fits your needs. In this call, we will show you the platform, how to use it and how to get the most out of it. Book your demo with one of our experts here.
Is there a limit to the number of searches?
No, searches are unlimited and have no additional cost.
Can I access as many contacts as I need?
All searches, including contact searches, are unlimited for all xNova users.
How many users per license are there?
Each plan of 12 or 24 months includes 3 users, although it is possible to contract extra users.
Can I buy information from 1 country only?
Yes, it is possible. You can start your subscription by contracting the information of a single country and expand to data from new countries as you need it.